Cryptography and Computer Security

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Cryptography and computer security - Tutorial 1.12.2020

Primality testing

Solovay-Strassen algorithm

  1. Choose $a \stackrel{R}{\in} \mathbb{Z}_n \setminus \lbrace 0 \rbrace$. $O(\log n)$
  2. Compute $x := \left( {a \over n} \right)$. $O(\log^3 n)$
  3. If $x = 0$, then return Composite. $O(1)$
  4. Compute $y := a^{(n-1)/2} \bmod{n}$. $O(\log^3 n)$
  5. If $x \equiv y \pmod{n}$, then return Probable prime, else return Composite. $O(\log n)$

Time complexity: $O(\log^3 n)$

Miller-Rabin algorithm

  1. Write $n-1 = 2^k m$, where $m$ is odd. $O(\log n)$
  2. Choose $a \stackrel{R}{\in} \mathbb{Z}_n \setminus \lbrace 0 \rbrace$. $O(\log n)$
  3. Compute $b := a^m \bmod{n}$. $O(\log^3 n)$
  4. If $b \equiv 1 \pmod{n}$, then return Probable prime. $O(1)$
  5. Repeat $k$ times: $O(\log n)$ steps, total $O(\log^3 n)$
    1. If $b \equiv -1 \pmod{n}$, then return Probable prime. $O(\log n)$
    2. Compute $b := b^2 \bmod{n}$. $O(\log^2 n)$
  6. Return Composite. $O(1)$

Time complexity: $O(\log^3 n)$

Exercise 1

Show that the Solovay-Strassen and Miller-Rabin algorithms are yes-biased Monte Carlo algorithms (i.e., a yes answer is always correct).

Exercise 2

Show that the time complexity of the Solovay-Strassen and Miller-Rabin algorithms is $O(\log^3 n)$.


Pollard $p-1$ algorithm

  1. Set $a := 2$. $O(1)$
  2. For $j = 2, 3, \dots, B$ do: $O(B)$ steps, total $O(B \log B \log^2 n)$
    1. Compute $a := a^j \bmod{n}$. $O(\log B \log^2 n)$
    2. Compute $d := \gcd(a-1, n)$. $O(\log^2 n)$
    3. If $1 < d < n$, then return $d$. $O(\log n)$
  3. Return failure. $O(1)$

Say $n = \prod_{i=1}^t p_i$. If $(p_i-1) | B!$, then $2^{B!} \equiv 1 \pmod{p_i}$. Then $2^{B!} - 1 \bmod{n}$ is a multiple of $p_i$.

Assume $n = pq$ is a RSA modulus. We should choose the primes $p, q$ so that $p-1 = 2p’$, $q-1 = 2q’$, where $p’, q’$ are prime numbers.

Time complexity: $O(B \log B \log^2 n)$, to attack an arbitrary $n$: $O(\sqrt{n} \log^3 n)$

Pollard $\rho$ algorithm

  1. Choose $x \stackrel{R}{\in} \mathbb{Z}_n \setminus \lbrace 0 \rbrace$.
  2. Compute $y := f(x)$.
  3. Compute $d := \gcd(x-y, n)$.
  4. While $d = 1$:
    1. Compute $x := f(x)$.
    2. Compute $y := f(f(y))$.
    3. Compute $d := \gcd(x-y, n)$.
  5. If $d \ne n$, then return $d$, else return failure.
graph LR
x0[p0, q0] --> x1[p1, q1] --> x2[p2, q2] --> x3[p3, q3] --> x4[p4, q4] --> x5[p5, q3] --> x6[p3, q4] --> x7[p4, q3] --> x8[p5, q4] --> x3
p0 --> p1 --> p2 --> p3 --> p4 --> p5 --> p3
q0 --> q1 --> q2 --> q3 --> q4 --> q3

Dixon’s random squares algorithm

  1. Set $m := 0$.
  2. Initialize a $m \times t$ matrix $A$ over integers.
  3. While $A$ has rank $m$ in $\mathbb{Z}_2$:
    1. Choose $x \stackrel{R}{\in} \mathbb{Z}_n \setminus \lbrace 0 \rbrace$.
    2. If there exist integers $a_1, a_2, \dots a_t$ such that $x^2 \bmod n = \prod_{j=1}^t b_j^{a_j}$, then:
      1. Set $m := m+1$.
      2. Set $x_m := x$.
      3. Set $A_{mj} := a_j$ for $j = 1, 2, \dots, t$.
  4. Find $r_1, r_2, \dots r_k$ such that the rows $A_{r_1}, A_{r_2}, \dots, A_{r_k}$ sum to a zero vector in $\mathbb{Z}_2$.
  5. Compute $y := \prod_{i=1}^k x_{r_i}$.
  6. Compute $z := \prod_{j=1}^t b_j^{\sum_{i=1}^k A_{r_i, j}/2}$.
  7. Compute $d := \gcd(y-z, n)$.
  8. If $1 < d < n$, then return $d$, else return failure.

Exercise 3

Prove the correctness of the Pollard $p-1$ algorithm.

Exercise 4

Determine the time complexity of the Pollard $p-1$ algorithm.

Exercise 5

Using various choices for the bound $B$, attempt to factor $262063$ and $9420457$ using the Pollard $p-1$ algorithm. How big does $B$ have to be in each case for the algorithm to be successful?

Exercise 6

Factor $n = 221$ using the Pollard $\rho$ algorithm with function $f(x) = (x^2 + 1) \bmod{221}$.

Exercise 7

Factor $n = 15770708441$ using Dixon’s random squares algorithm with $b = 7$. Choose the integers $14056852462$, $9004436975$, $5286195500$, $11335959904$ and $7052612564$ as your random numbers.