Substitution-permutation network | Feistel cipher |
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Let $y$ be the output of a SPN on input $x$, where $\ell=m=N_r=4$, and permutations $\pi_S$ and $\pi_P$ be defined as
$z$ | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
$\pi_S(z)$ | E | 4 | D | 1 | 2 | F | B | 8 | 3 | A | 6 | C | 5 | 9 | 0 | 7 |
$z$ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
$\pi_P(z)$ | 1 | 5 | 9 | 13 | 2 | 6 | 10 | 14 | 3 | 7 | 11 | 15 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 |
Suppose that the round key $K_1 = {\tt 0x3954}$ is given in a hexadecimal notation. Compute one round of the SPN for the plaintext $x = {\tt 0x295C}$.
x = 0x295C = 0010 1001 0101 1100
K = 0x3954 = 0011 1001 0101 0100
0x1008 = 0001 0000 0000 1000
0x4EE3 = 0100 1110 1110 0011
y = 0x6E71 = 0110 1110 0111 0001
Consider a $2$-round Feistel network with encryption function $f(R, K) = R \oplus K$. Assume that all subkeys are equal, i.e., $K = K_0 = K_1 = K_2$, with subkey size being half the block size. Show that this cipher is not secure.
Prove that decryption in a Feistel cipher can be done by applying the encryption algorithm to the ciphertext with the key schedule reversed.
Since DES has too short keys ($56$ bits), we decide to combine DES with XOR to achieve $120$-bit encryption. We pick a $56$-bit key $k_1$ for regular DES and a $64$-bit key $k_2$. To encrypt a block $m$, we first encrypt it using DES and then XOR the result with the second key. Mathematically, our encryption scheme is:
\[\text{DESX}_{k_1, k_2}(m) = \text{DES}_{k_1}(m) \oplus k_2 .\]Show that DESX is not much more secure than basic DES, as far as exhaustive key search goes.
Input: (m[i], c[i]), i = 1, 2, ... n >= 2
for k1 in {0, 1}^56:
k2 = DES_k1(m[1]) ^^ c[1]
for i = 2, ..., n:
if k2 != DES_k1(m[i]) ^^ c[i]:
else: # for loop has not been broken
add (k1, k2) to the list of candidate keys
We now look at the following variant of key whitening with DES. Suppose that the message $m$ and the keys $k_1$ and $k_2$ are $64$ and $56$ bits long. The encryption is defined as
\[\text{DESW}_{k_1, k_2}(m) = \text{DES}_{k_2}(m \oplus k_1)\]Show that breaking DESW is roughly as difficult as a brute force attack against single DES.
Input: (m[i], c[i]), i = 1, 2, ... n >= 2
for k2 in {0, 1}^56:
k1 = DES^-1_k2(c[1]) ^^ m[1]
for i = 2, ..., n:
if k1 != DES^-1_k2(c[i]) ^^ m[i]:
else: # for loop has not been broken
add (k1, k2) to the list of candidate keys
Input: (m, c)
H = empty hash table
for k1 in {0, 1}^56:
H[DES^-1_k1(c)] = k1
for k2 in {0, 1}^56:
s = DES_k2(m)
if s in H:
add (H[s], k2) to the list of candidate key
Suppose that we encrypt a message $m$ in three DES rounds:
\[c = \text{DES}_{k_3}(\text{DES}_{k_2}^{-1}(\text{DES}_{k_1}(m))) .\]When does this scheme reduce to single DES?
For each mode of operation, give the mathematical expression of the decryption and draw the corresponding block diagram.
For which modes of operation does $E_k(m \oplus x) = E_k(m) \oplus x$ hold?
Which modes of operation allow random access to the ciphertext blocks? That is, if the recipient has the information $(i, c_i)$, can they decrypt the message $m_i$ without having any other ciphertext blocks? If not, what additional information do they need?
Suppose an attacker changes one block of the ciphertext $c_i$ into $c’_i \not= c_i$. Which blocks are then decrypted incorrectly when using ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR modes?