Cryptography and Computer Security

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Cryptography and computer security - Tutorial 3.11.2020

Block ciphers

Substitution-permutation network Feistel cipher
SPN Feistel cipher

Exercise 1

Let $y$ be the output of a SPN on input $x$, where $\ell=m=N_r=4$, and permutations $\pi_S$ and $\pi_P$ be defined as

$z$ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
$\pi_S(z)$ E 4 D 1 2 F B 8 3 A 6 C 5 9 0 7


$z$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
$\pi_P(z)$ 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 4 8 12 16

Suppose that the round key $K_1 = {\tt 0x3954}$ is given in a hexadecimal notation. Compute one round of the SPN for the plaintext $x = {\tt 0x295C}$.

x = 0x295C = 0010 1001 0101 1100
K = 0x3954 = 0011 1001 0101 0100
    0x1008 = 0001 0000 0000 1000
    0x4EE3 = 0100 1110 1110 0011
y = 0x6E71 = 0110 1110 0111 0001

Exercise 2

Consider a $2$-round Feistel network with encryption function $f(R, K) = R \oplus K$. Assume that all subkeys are equal, i.e., $K = K_0 = K_1 = K_2$, with subkey size being half the block size. Show that this cipher is not secure.

\[\begin{aligned} L_1 &= R_0 & R_1 &= L_0 \oplus R_0 \oplus K \\ L_2 &= R_1 & R_2 &= L_1 \oplus R_1 \oplus K \\ &= L_0 \oplus R_0 \oplus K &&= R_0 \oplus (L_0 \oplus R_0 \oplus K) \oplus K \\ &&&= L_0 \\ L_3 &= R_2 & R_3 &= L_2 \oplus R_2 \oplus K \\ &= L_0 &&= (L_0 \oplus R_0 \oplus K) \oplus L_0 \oplus K \\ &&&= R_0 \end{aligned}\]

Exercise 3

Prove that decryption in a Feistel cipher can be done by applying the encryption algorithm to the ciphertext with the key schedule reversed.

\[\begin{aligned} L_{i+1} &= L_i \oplus F(R_i, K_i) & R_{i+1} &= R_i \\ L_i &= L_{i+1} \oplus F(R_{i+1}, K_i) & R_i &= R_{i+1} \end{aligned}\]

Attacks on block ciphers

Exercise 4

Since DES has too short keys ($56$ bits), we decide to combine DES with XOR to achieve $120$-bit encryption. We pick a $56$-bit key $k_1$ for regular DES and a $64$-bit key $k_2$. To encrypt a block $m$, we first encrypt it using DES and then XOR the result with the second key. Mathematically, our encryption scheme is:

\[\text{DESX}_{k_1, k_2}(m) = \text{DES}_{k_1}(m) \oplus k_2 .\]

Show that DESX is not much more secure than basic DES, as far as exhaustive key search goes.

Input: (m[i], c[i]), i = 1, 2, ... n >= 2

for k1 in {0, 1}^56:
  k2 = DES_k1(m[1]) ^^ c[1]
  for i = 2, ..., n:
    if k2 != DES_k1(m[i]) ^^ c[i]:
  else: # for loop has not been broken
    add (k1, k2) to the list of candidate keys

Exercise 5

We now look at the following variant of key whitening with DES. Suppose that the message $m$ and the keys $k_1$ and $k_2$ are $64$ and $56$ bits long. The encryption is defined as

\[\text{DESW}_{k_1, k_2}(m) = \text{DES}_{k_2}(m \oplus k_1)\]

Show that breaking DESW is roughly as difficult as a brute force attack against single DES.

Input: (m[i], c[i]), i = 1, 2, ... n >= 2

for k2 in {0, 1}^56:
  k1 = DES^-1_k2(c[1]) ^^ m[1]
  for i = 2, ..., n:
    if k1 != DES^-1_k2(c[i]) ^^ m[i]:
  else: # for loop has not been broken
    add (k1, k2) to the list of candidate keys

\[\text{2DES}_{k_1, k_2}(m) = \text{DES}_{k_1}(\text{DES}_{k_2}(m))\]
Input: (m, c)

H = empty hash table
for k1 in {0, 1}^56:
  H[DES^-1_k1(c)] = k1
for k2 in {0, 1}^56:
  s = DES_k2(m)
  if s in H:
    add (H[s], k2) to the list of candidate key

Exercise 6

Suppose that we encrypt a message $m$ in three DES rounds:

\[c = \text{DES}_{k_3}(\text{DES}_{k_2}^{-1}(\text{DES}_{k_1}(m))) .\]

When does this scheme reduce to single DES?

Modes of operation

Exercise 7

For each mode of operation, give the mathematical expression of the decryption and draw the corresponding block diagram.

Exercise 8

For which modes of operation does $E_k(m \oplus x) = E_k(m) \oplus x$ hold?

Exercise 9

Which modes of operation allow random access to the ciphertext blocks? That is, if the recipient has the information $(i, c_i)$, can they decrypt the message $m_i$ without having any other ciphertext blocks? If not, what additional information do they need?

Exercise 10

Suppose an attacker changes one block of the ciphertext $c_i$ into $c’_i \not= c_i$. Which blocks are then decrypted incorrectly when using ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR modes?