Cryptography and Computer Security

Jupyter notebooks - past years


Tutorial 13.10.2020 - Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers

Tutorial 27./28.10.2020 - LFSR

Tutorial 17./18.11.2020 - Attacks on RSA

Tutorial 24.11.2020 - Jacobi symbols

Tutorial 1./2.12.2020 - Integer factorization

Tutorial 15./16.12.2020 - Discrete logarithm problem

Tutorial 12./13.1.2021 - Elliptic curves


Tutorial 23./28.10.2019 - LFSR

Tutorial 13./18.11.2019 - Attacks on RSA

Tutorial 27.11./2.12.2019 - Integer factorization

Tutorial 11./16.12.2019 - Discrete logarithm problem


Tutorial 22.10.2018 - LFSR

Tutorial 13.11.2018 - Attacks on RSA

Tutorial 19.11.2018 - Integer factorization

Tutorial 10.12.2018 - Discrete logarithm problem

Tutorial 17.12.2018 - Digital signatures