Computational Geometry

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Computational geometry - Tutorial 21.4.2021


Exercise 1

Describe a data structure for storing a convex polygon $P$ which allows us to find out in $O(\log n)$ time whether a query point is contained in $P$. The data structure should be constructed in linear time.

Data structure:

Structure: array


Query for a point $p$ (assume clockwise orientation):

Exercise 2

We are given two convex polygons $P, Q$. Describe a linear time algorithm which computes $\operatorname{CH}(P \cup Q)$. You may assume that $P$ and $Q$ are disjoint.

This also works if the polygons are not disjoint!

Exercise 3

We are given a convex polygon $P$ as an array of vertices $p[1, \dots ,n]$.

  1. Describe an $O(\log n)$ algorithm which finds the highest vertex of $P$.
  2. Describe an $O(\log n)$ algorithm which finds both tangents of the polygon $P$ through a given point $p \in \mathbb{R}^2 \setminus P$.
  3. Describe an $O(\log n)$ algorithm which finds the intersection of $P$ and a given line $\ell$.
  4. Describe an $O(\log n)$ algorithm which finds the point of $P$ which is closest to the given line $\ell$.

  1. def highestPoint(p):
        n = len(p)
        def rising(i):
            return p[(i+1) % n].y > p[i].y
        i, j = 0, n-1
        if rising(j) and not rising(i):
            return p[i]
        while j - i > 1:
            h = (i+j) // 2
            if rising(i):
                if not rising(h) or p[h].y < p[i].y:
                    j = h
                    i = h
                if rising(h) or p[h].y < p[i].y:
                    i = h
                    j = h
        if p[i].y > p[j].y:
            return p[i]
            return p[j]
  2. Do the bisection:
    • If both neighboring vertices lie on the same side of the line, then the line is a tangent.
    • Otherwise, move according to whether the previous or the next point lies above the line.
    • Do this for each tangent separately.